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Many young people are facing social and interpersonal issues that they report feeling unequipped to manage. Consequently, many young people have voiced their desire for practical information about navigating respectful relationships, particularly with respect to consent and communication skills.

Working from an evidence based approach, Dr Tessa Opie is an advocate for healthy and consenting relationships, and has a particular interest in the prevention of sexual violence among young people. As such, Tessa facilitates parent information sessions where she speak to parents and carers about the world of relationships which our young people are attempting to navigate. She also discusses what we can do, as parents, carers, and role models, to positively encourage our young people to develop healthy and realistic expectations of themselves and others.

Topics Include

  • The sexual health and behaviour of Australian Secondary School Students
  • The impact of the media, including online pornography, on our children’s relational and sexual templates
  • Strengthening sexual violence prevention at home
  • Strategies to encourage our children and young people to increase their sexual health and safety